New theory of rotation of the Earth and other planets.
Reasoning of rising and low tides.
(на русском языке
(на русском языке
Inventor- engineer
How the things on the surface of the planet Earth can be exposed to the influence of such a remote satellite of the Earth as Moon and moreover the Sun?
2.Principles of stable rotational movement

According to the above mentioned description only with all parts of the wind wheel together we can understand as a body which is able to stable rotation. As a solid matter (it shouldn’t be obligatorily сплошным) serves as a physical model for description of bodies in their rotational movement.
I.e. a body which is able to stable rotation around its axis can be collected from separate parts or solid, but certainly with the presence of rotating links (joints) which is the necessary condition for stable rotational movement of the body and that determines heterogeneous character of the body. Further we have determined the construction of the body able to rotational movement. Now, an important principle of the rotational movement is an effect of strength or surroundings on the body, on its parts exactly. Flood of wind blows on the impellers of the wind-wheel which is fixed firmly on the ground with the help of the shaft. In other words, one of the strength effects to external part (impellers of wind-wheel) – wind, and another strength effects to the internal part (axis of wind-wheel)- fixation of the pole the vectors of which are counter directed. (picture fig.1)
Thus, it is principally important the following, in order to get the body rotate:
- Heterogeneity of body, i.e. a body should consist of several parts and its one part (axis of rotation) should be movably connected with another part;
- Effect of inversely directed forces separately on the parts of heterogeneous body in the result of which the rotation of movably connected parts of the body can be directed in opposite directions as well.
It should be noted in case of the Earth`s rotation according to the above mentioned observations, the structure of the Earth also heterogeneous, i.e. it has a laminated structure (with moving connection), and the gravitation, inertia, characteristics of environment, thermal energy of the Sun act as influencing forces. Here, due to the dominating gravitational force of the Sun the rotation of the Earth around its axis starts with the movement of its nucleus toward the Sun which is followed by the movement of the liquid environment of the external nucleus and further to mantle and shell. In this case the characteristics of the environment act hampering, as a result of which, the Earth is set to rotational movement. Further the inertia enters into the process and the rotational movement stabilizes by getting faster or slower at a time, and the thermal energy of the Sun influences on the stretching of orbits. The rotation and motion of planets, including the Earth, according to above mentioned principles are given in the following parts.
3.Reason of rising and low tides
The answer to the previous question is – no way!
That is, the Sun, Earth and Moon are directly connected with gravitational interaction but only at the level of their nuclei where the density of substance is great. Substances located on the surface (in shell) of a planet whether they are in liquid, solid or gaseous state cannot be exposed to the effect from the outside i.e. to the effect of other planets and satellites without any such reason of effecting the nucleus. The reason of movement of the water shell of the Earth is the movement of its nucleus. A trajectory of Earth nucleus movement is a circle with displaced centre concerning its vertical axis toward the Sun, with inverse direction to the rotation of the Earth crust, and direction of trajectory of Moon nucleus movement in the same direction and with the same periods (synchronic) The frequency of rotation of the shell of the Earth (mantle) and its nucleus differ.
I offer the following experimental examples to assure you and for the clear proof of planet movement or their satellites with a direct rotation and movement of their nuclei.

.In the result of such experiment we can see that the liquid in the basin will also be set in rotational motion in which the speed of rotation (frequency of rotation) of the liquid in various distance from the centre is synchronized gradually, i.e. will be the same.
We have understood from this example that in order to set the liquid or an environment with less density into rotational motion with the help of a bar with smooth surface we should make circular rotational movements instead of axial.
Further, most of galactic including ours has a spiral structure. According to the definition, in the stability of angle speed for the rotating solid bodies, the linear grow proportionally to the movement from the centre of the rotation.
Given definition is characteristic for liquid and gaseous environment too, a difference only in the instantaneity for the solid bodies and gradualness for other environments. If a body and environment have unanimous density, in the process of a circling rotational movement the dates of angle and linear speed is subdued,- instantly or gradually,- to the above mentioned definition.
Now, we will consider one more example to imagine an environment with heterogeneous density, i. e. with a spiral rotation. Lets` take a movably linked chain of plastic containers the end of which connected to winding bar by a joint to give it circling rotational movement, and the containers will be filled with things approximately described in the picture (Fig.3),
but in the order with things of less density to the other end of the chain. Giving a rotational movement to one end of the chain we get the other end rotate too and the whole chain with containers starts to move in spirally rotating state (Fig.4).
The chain will never be able to get straight as it is affected by the different amount density of the containers with different inertia. The linear speed of the rotating parts is kept almost the same in various distances from the centre during this kind of movement. It means that by getting further from the centre of rotation the angle speed is reduced which leads to lagging behind of more remote parts in comparison with the nearest which is resulted in a spiral state of the chain.
but in the order with things of less density to the other end of the chain. Giving a rotational movement to one end of the chain we get the other end rotate too and the whole chain with containers starts to move in spirally rotating state (Fig.4).
Such phenomenon is observed in the structure of any galactic (Fig.5), of the Solar system and other celestial bodies with the same heterogeneous density (Fig.6).

Accordingly, we can imagine that there is a density in this kind of environment which also increases by getting closer to the biggest gravitational resource. We can be assured by the example of the stretched elliptic orbits of planets rotating around the Sun, a reason of what is the environment and thermal energy of the Sun. For example: Upon heating the Earth by the rays of the Sun, in the result (metallic chips, sand, water, oil, wooden cuttings, cotton, air (empty) gas (hydrogen) )
of which, in accordance with the law of physics, the density, features and amount of matters start widening and relatively it leads to the general density of planets, a “feature of environment” pushes the planet from the Sun (resource of gravitation) and on the contrary the remoteness of the Earth from the Sun leads to its getting cooler with changes, which in its turn leads to the increase of density of the planet when the “feature of environment” gets the planet closer to the Sun.
In other words in this kind of environment a ousting of less density bodies by the environment in comparison with bodies of bigger density take place and their distribution undergoes in the structure of the Solar system.
Planets and their satellites, rings and other celestial bodies rotating around the given planets enter into the definition of huge density of planets by taking into account the density of environment in the distance between them which are inseparable parts of the word “planet”.
That`s why winter on the earth passes in perihelion of its orbit, as heating of such a big planet happens late. And the size of oblongata of planets and their satellites is influenced by the content and features of a planet itself or its satellites too.
It means the domination of these or other substances which can accumulate heat or coldness for a long time - in case with more stretched orbits of planets; and existence of substances which react quickly to warmth and coldness – in cases with orbits of small stretch.
At any rate, the direction of elliptic orbits of the rotating celestial bodies, despite how much it is stretched, is a movement of nucleus of the biggest gravitational source on biased trajectory, around which they rotate.
Thus it is clear from the above said that the resource of all rotating movement of environment or bodies with heterogeneous structure is the circling rotation of the nucleus of the biggest resource of the gravitation, i.e. movement of the nucleus on circling trajectory.
The patented invention “Gravitational and intentional motor of Maksutaliev”( GIMM) also serves as corroboration of this rotating principle [3].
Efficient work is provided by the construction of GIMM on the principle of the rotating movement the offset centre at the expense of gravitation and inertia of junctions caused by periodically created misbalance.
Above mentioned principles for stable rotating movement are proved in the GIMM construction and the principle of the Earth`s rotation is its analogue. . 

The invention is related to power machine building, namely to fixed installations for transformation and further power generation. The GIMM is created for power generation by the efficient transformation of gravitational power into mechanic rotating movement.
The GIMM consists of the balanced spiral pocket 1, jointly set levers 2, and that entire installment are possible through a ratchet gear 3 on a shaft 4. The levers 2, are completed in non equilateral triangles, where one of sides is arched, and the surface is cogged (conic cogged reels in given case) 5, which cinematically connected with cogged ends 6, a bar or bars 7, the last in the middle are made of spiral ones 8 and set movably in spiral pocket 1. Lugs are made on hinge set levers 9 to limit their movement, and the shaft is set on bearings 10 and cinematically linked, perhaps through elastic clutch or rolled-up spring, a reduction gear and flywheel 11 with a generator of electric power 12.
The GIMM is set into motion by the following:
The construction is set as it is shown in the picture (Fig.7, view A) fixed by ratchet gear 3. Upon the launch of the construction the upper and lower levers 2 with cogged surface 5 cinematically linked with the cogged ends 6 of bars 7, moves under pressure of its own weight up to limiting vystup 9 on the bars, which start rotating from the upper and lower cogged surfaces 5 of the lelating levers 2.
The bars 7, made in spiral 8 and installed in the spiral pocket 1 move by rotating lengthwise upon its own axis, as a , due to the fly out of the bars in the upper section a misbalance of sections of levers will occur 2, and under the effect of gravitational power the construction starts rotating movement downward, and inertia is created which urges the construction to gain speed till it reaches the primary state, where the installment fixed again by the ratchet gear 3. Thus the working cycle will be repeated without ending
Further the rotating movement of the shaft 4, set on the bearings 10 transported , perhaps by means of elastic clutch or rolled-up spring, reduction gear and flywheel 11 on to the generator of power energy.
The GIMM invention is efficient in transforming of gravitational power and can be widely used in any field to get mechanical and power energy with a possibility of its placing in any place depending on their goals and field of application, for example in remote, hard to reach places, in high mountains, deep under the ground or under water and etc.
Not less important the fact that this method of transformation of gravitational power will serve the further studying of the structure and planetary motion. It initiates new discoveries in the field of research of celestial mechanics, astrophysics, geophysics etc. and may disprove some theories and hypothesis known at present.
A list of factors on the resemblance of elements and joints of the construction with the structure and principles of the Earth`s rotating movement. Fact of heterogeneousness of the Earth`s structure
-fact of heterogeneousness of the Earth`s structure and the construction of the invention;
-fact of influence of differently directed efforts (gravitation and environment);
-fact of offset centre of weight for rotating movement;
-fact of rotation by increasing and decreasing speed at a time;
-fact of resembling cyclones, typhoons and tornados on the Earth with the mechanism of bilateral linking and movement of arms in the construction of the invention (view B).
Above listed analogues in the work of the construction with the phenomena happening on the Earth is not full enumeration, which proves an identity of their principles of rotating movement.
A patent has been got for the invention “Gravitational and inertial motor of Maksutaliev” in the Kyrgyz Republic , and an application has been submitted to be considered by Eurasian Patenting Department with a priority date of the first application.
The application has been a registration number №201101363. At the moment a search for investors or partner is being held to construct an experimental model and further cooperation. In case of interest we request to address the author of the invention.
Further about the phenomenon of low and rising tides. It is generally known (3) that periodicity of low and rising tides is observed two times in 24 hours in condition of cost line presence, i.e. on a cost-lines the low and rising tides are more noticeable than in open water area. In fact, a circular observation is peculiar to the low and rising tide phenomena. In other words according to the statement of profiled specialists, where the Moon there is the rising tide, the same on the opposite side, and the low tides on the flanks.
This is explained by that that the nucleus of the Earth consisting of substances of bigger density and tending to the Sun by virtue of the gravitation began to move and rotate in a liquid environment in the external nucleus on the trajectory biased to the Sun (Fig.8)
In the result of “carried away rotating nucleus” effect by the rotation of the mantle and a viscid and thick environment of external nucleus of the Earth lead to different direction of the rotation of its nucleus and the mantle. The rotation in which the frequency of the nucleus rotation is slowed then that of the mantle which is connected with the resistance of the viscid environment of the external nucleus.
So, the nucleus of the Earth carried away by the liquid environment began to move in the trajectory with biased ex-centricity to the Sun in ecliptics, which causes the precession of the planets.
And slowed rotation of the Earth`s nucleus in comparison with its mantle allows the nucleus to move on offset trajectory with a period of one month which is simultaneously repeated by the Moon. As the Moon is located exactly at that distance in which its parameters of circulation is identical to the movement of the Earth`s nucleus, and may serve as an example of the location of the nucleus inside of the planet in various time, when the nucleus of the Earth is always in the remote side of its trajectory relatively to the Moon.
Thus, the Moon and other similar satellites, including celestial bodies, united in a ring and having the most minimal distance of their orbits from the planets, are firmly tied to the nuclei of the planets and simultaneously react to their movement.
Such statement does not mean the equality of sizes (distances) ex-centrity of the nucleus with the ex-centrity of satellite`s orbit, as the last have other factors of influence on their size and co-axial origin.
The other thing is the orbits of planets, satellites and other celestial bodies located in accordance with its dimensional density in a relative distance from the biggest source of gravitation, conditioned by the difference of periods of their rotation around the Sun or planets, which is proved by the rotation of planets in the Solar system.
We are convinced in this line that according to the moving away of the celestial bodies from the centre of rotation, in a heterogeneous environment, the rotary speed decreases what leads to lagging behind of the remote parts in comparison with the nearest.

It is seen from the picture, under the dripping of water or other liquid a tale part is formed which exceeds the concentration of water many times than that of frontal part. It happens because there is a force of surface tension by virtue of which this form is kept. Volume of water environment of the Earth cannot be compared to reckon on the force of surface tension in order to keep such form. And we should not forget that the source of gravitation of the Earth is situated in its centre, in the nucleus, if we compare roughly, it substitutes the role of the force of surface tension. That`s why by the movement of the nucleus, there happens a kind of falling toward the Sun with which the external nucleus, the mantle, crust and water shell of the Earth start moving. I. e. the form of the planet changes, it is a bit stretched toward the movement of the nucleus (lengthwise),being compressed in its diameter at the same time which leads to outflow of the water environment from the side surfaces and its concentration in the tail.
Thus the closer the Earth`s nucleus approach to the surface of shell the more concentration of water environment on the other side. In connection with it the biggest rising tide is observed exactly during the full Moon, when the nucleus approaches to minimal distance to the surface of the shell of the Earth on the side of the Sun, and the Moon is on the perigee of its trajectory from the Earth, on the side opposite to the Sun.
The changes in the volume density upon the heating by the Sun rays (perihelion) influence on the stretch of Moon`s trajectory as well as cooling (aphelion) when the Moon is in its trajectory. Without influence of the heating by the Sun the trajectory of the Earth`s satellite Moon would be circumference with biased axis of rotation.
Further (1) during 24 hours and 50 minutes the Earth makes one full revolution around its axis and the nucleus moves on its biased trajectory to approximate angle 11-12 from the axis of the Earth in the same direction as the shell. As a result the concentration of water (rising tide) formed by the gravity of biasing nucleus, is taken away by the rotation of the shell (crust) of the Earth twice within 24 hours. Proceeding from the features of water, movement speed and volume, the concentration of water environment as a rising tide mound is carried out and formed again within a definite period of time. It means that every 6 hours a phenomenon of alternate rising and low tides may be observed in one and the same place (effect of stretching and compressing).
In other words, the rotation of the Earth does not allow the concentration of water as a full tide mound from the gravitation of the nucleus in the moment of its location at a minimal distance from the shell of the Earth, in consequence of which the tide mound can fully be formed by passing that moment with the help of inertia which is the reason of the advanced movement of the ‘Tide mound” from the Moon.
· Rotation of planets is caused by their structural heterogeneity, upon influence on their differently directed forces the motion of the nucleus is formed (motion of nucleus on biased trajectory), which in its turn causes the movement of their satellites (elliptic) orbit.
· Motion of planets in the Solar system is carried out in the environment of heterogeneous density, increasing in accordance with the approach to the Sun, biggest source of gravitation, by moving off which the location of planets is connected with the decrease of their volume density.
· Nuclei of planets rotate in a liquid environment in the external nucleus and move on biased trajectory in the orbit plane on the side of the Sun which causes precession of the planets.
· Reason of rising and low tide phenomenon is the movement of the nucleus of the Earth on its biased trajectory on the side of the Sun.
1.Internet resources: «Wikipedia» “The Planet Earth”, “The Moon”, “Low and Rising tides”
2.Internet resources: Lecture №5 “Rotating movement of solid body”
3.Patent of invention №1419, Kyrgyz Republic ; IPC8 F03G3/00, F03B17/00 / Maksutaliev
N.K., Kubatov N.N. applic. 11.08.2010, date of publ. 31.01.2012 bulletin №1.